Thursday, September 29, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011


Here is the first of my characters Virgil. along with some armor variation thumbnails i did. I plan to change the design a little play around witht the colors a little more, I also have the art for anther character too. Hippolyta I havnt started filling her in with color yet hope to get around to that soon.

Concept Guide

I'll be taking ideas from a few photos that I have found.

Like the Afflicted team wants, you do not see rioters have messed up clothes or pretty much anything else that sets them apart from normal people. The only change is in the attitude.

Here is the guide I will be using:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Devon O'Mara

Hello all I'm Devon. I don't have a portfolio site setup just yet, but I hope to soon. For now here are links to my Deviant account and Linkedin profile. Feel free to add me on either.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Still lacking but hopefully this will be remedied soon.

Daniel Rolling

Here is my carbon made site.

Mario Castaneda

My portfolio is still a tad under construction, so ignore the Lorem Ipsum.

Immel, Benjamin


My portfolio is a little rough. I still have some stuff to add up onto it I believe. I hope to fill it up a lot this semester.

Teresa Koen

James Scott

Gregg Wright

As much as I hate the site for my own personal reasons, I am using DeviantArt for the time being until I can find a more suitable feww-to-use website for my portfolio or I find someone who will make one for me, as I know nothing about html code.

Tony Nguyen

Saturday, September 3, 2011


UAT ART233 ConceptArt Fall 2011

Welcome to the ART233 Concept Art Blog for Fall 2011. We will be using this blog to post our work for SCRUM meetings each week, self and peer evals and generally encouraging each other to grow as artists!

We will begin by sharing our websites/online portfolio addresses with each other! Post your link so that we can get to know each other. If you do not have one yet, no worries, you will have one by the end of the class! :)

Lynn U